Did you know...Around the world, a staggering reality persists: women consistently devote two to ten times more time to unpaid care work than their male counterparts. This glaring imbalance in the distribution of caring responsibilities is not simply a personal choice but is deeply entrenched in discriminatory social institutions and reinforced by gender stereotypes regarding roles and responsibilities.
The complexity of this gender disparity is further heightened by our identities. Where we may experience overlapping & interconnected forms of discrimination and disadvantage based on various aspects of our identity, such as gender we identity with, race, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, & more.
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The Great Indian Sexism addresses sexism & gender roles by improving equality in private spaces of homes & within ourselves.
We believe in tackling internalized misogyny & everyday sexsim through research, data & evidence
We strongly believe gender equity at home can accelerate gender equality outside of home